Sunday 3 March 2013

Stacy's Story part 1

Right I don't normally write stories about my clients but the hurdles Stacy loo has had to get over to do the London marathon in order to raise money for the RNLI are amazing.

Stacy showed her support for what I was doing when I started as a personal trainer and she started training with us (para fit bootcamp) on our very first session on 19/03/2012 and has supported us right from the word go.

After attending a good number of sessions Stacy had a back problem and the doctors told her to rest it and it would fix it self, months down the line she tried to attend another bootcamp but a few minutes in she hurt her back again! I sent her away with some home work to do in a hope it would help.

A few weeks later I had a message on Facebook asking for my phone number, I thought she either wanted to let me know how she was doing or to say the homework had worked and she was ready to come back to Para Fit Boot Camp, but it wasn't the case she wanted me to train her to run the LONDON MARATHON...

Ok I'm not the biggest fan of running and the task of training a non runner to run seemed madness... But I'm not one to turn down a challenge in fact I thrive off them!

I arranged to meet Stacy at the local DW for a coffee and to chat about the task in hand, we covered all the things that would stop her from doing the run...

They included:
Severe lower back pain
Locking ankle (sprained in the past)
No experience of running long distance

Time to get to work, we started working on fixing this lower back problem because I know how limiting life can be with back pain so we started with a detailed stretching routine for her legs and core strengthening work this was sorted out within 2 weeks.

Secondly we had to try and get some running in to build up the miles so she could get used to the conditioning and achieve an Acceptable level of fitness, here is where we hit our first stumbling block, Stacy couldn't run for 2 minutes without her ankle locking up.

How do you do a race that involves running, without being able to run?
That's right you CAN'T!!
So to fix the ankle we started working with mandi Shipton from llanberis, and between myself and Stacy come up with a plan to build up condition without running not an easy thing to do.

After 4 weeks of treatment, training and a new pair of trainers we found out to get the running done and some miles in the bag we had to change Stacy's run to reduce impact. THIS WORKED Stacy has just done her first 12 mile run after only 2 weeks of running.

only problem now is it has left us with 8 weeks of training missing to catch up on!
And now the pressure is on to build up miles and keep injury free. (Not easy)

I will fill you in on how the rest of the training goes soon.

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